Saturday, April 16, 2011

going the distance

Just put down the longest recorded ride of the year to date! Unfortunately it wasn't all that long, 2hrs and about 30 miles. Only about 70 miles more to go before I hit that 100 mile mark needed by May 14th, yikes! A long ass way to go, but I felt pretty good even though the wind was howling today. I don't get the wind here in MN it always seems to be blowing right at me! haha During my ride I stopped by Salem Hills to check out the trail. Right away I thought it looked bomb all perfect tack but then there were a few spots that had some pretty greasy areas. If the sun would come out it would dry out quickly but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.
The rest of the day was we'll just be kicking it with the Jerry bear. He got his backpacking bed today and we got a 3 person tent so we can now take him with. I'm pretty excited to hit the trail. I think we will do some car camping first to get him use to it.
Keep your fingers crossed that the weather will cooperate and we can hit the trails soon!
Keep it real!

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